Joseph Jens Price-Wiki , Net worth, Age, Weight, Height, Relationship, Career, and Family

Joseph Jens Price-Wiki , Net worth, Age, Weight, Height, Relationship, Career, and Family

Joseph Jens Price is a man who wears many hats. He is a former HVAC technician, an amateur singer, and the husband of former figure skater Tonya Harding. Joseph has been in the public eye since marrying Tonya, who became infamous for her involvement in a scandal that rocked the figure skating world. But there’s more to Joseph than just being Tonya’s husband. He has his own unique story and talents that have contributed to his success and net worth. Let’s take a closer look at the life of Joseph Jens Price and get to know the man behind the famous last name.

Who is Joseph Jens Price?

Joseph Jens Price is a pretty exciting guy. He used to work as an HVAC technician, which means he fixed heating and cooling systems. He also loves to sing, even though he’s not a professional. But he’s famous because he’s married to Tonya Harding.

Tonya used to be a figure skater. She got in big trouble once, which made many people talk about her. So, when Joseph married Tonya, he also became famous. But Joseph isn’t just Tonya’s husband. He has his own story and talents. He’s more than just a famous last name.

Full Name: Joseph Jens Price
Gender: Male
Country: America
Horoscope: N/A
Wife Tonya Harding
Net Worth $300,000
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Dark Brown
Birth Place Yacolt, Washington,
Status Married
Nationality American
Ethnicity White
Kids Gordon Price

The celebrity lifestyle of Joseph Jens Price

Joseph Jens Price lives an extraordinary life because he’s famous. But he doesn’t act like a big star. He doesn’t live in a considerable house or go to fancy parties. He loves to fix things, just like when he was a heating and cooling system worker.

Joseph likes to sing, too, even if it’s just for fun. Being famous doesn’t change him. He still enjoys simple things like hanging out with friends, playing games, and spending time with his family. Joseph shows us that you can be famous and still be yourself.

Early life and education

Joseph Jens Price was born in a place called Yacolt, Washington. As a little boy, he was brilliant and loved to learn new things. He went to a school nearby and was good at his studies. He loved to sing songs and fix things when he was not studying.

His love for fixing things helped him decide what he wanted to do growing up. After finishing school, he decided to learn more about setting heating and cooling systems. It is how he became an HVAC technician, which is an excellent job.

Parents and siblings

Joseph Jens Price was born to his parents in Yacolt, Washington. Not much is known about them, but they raised Joseph in a loving and caring environment. He has always been private about his family, so we don’t know if he has any brothers or sisters.

But we know his parents were proud of him when he became an HVAC technician. And they were even prouder when he used his voice to sing beautiful songs. Even though they are not in the spotlight, they have played a big part in Joseph’s life.

Wife and Girlfriend

Joseph Jens Price is married to a woman named Tonya Harding. Tonya used to be a famous figure skater, and she made Joseph famous when they married. Tonya is the only wife Joseph has ever had, and he loves her very much. They live a quiet life together, enjoying simple things like spending time with their family.

They do not have a girlfriend because Joseph is happily married to Tonya. Being married to Tonya has made Joseph’s life very special. Their love for each other is strong, and they support each other through thick and thin.


Joseph Jens Price and Tonya Harding have a sweet little boy together. His name is Gordon. Gordon is the only child of Joseph and Tonya. Just like his dad, Gordon loves to fix things, too. He also likes to sing and have fun with his parents.

Joseph and Tonya are pleased to have Gordon in their lives. They love their son very much and try to give him the best life. They enjoy doing simple things with Gordon, like playing games and spending time together as a family. Being a dad is very special to Joseph.

Age, Weight, Height, and Physical Appearance

Joseph Jens Price is a grown-up man. He was born on January 21, 1970, which makes him 51 years old! He’s pretty tall, too. He stands 6 feet 2 inches high. That’s taller than a lot of people! He weighs about 190 pounds, typical for a man his height.

Joseph looks strong, with a muscular body from fixing things. He has short, dark hair and eyes that look kind and gentle. Joseph doesn’t care much about fashion and often wears simple, comfy clothes. But no matter what he wears, he always looks neat.


Did you know Joseph Jens Price doesn’t have his page on Wikipedia? That’s right! Even though he is famous because he is married to Tonya Harding, he doesn’t have a Wikipedia page just for him. But you can find some information about Joseph on Tonya’s Wikipedia page.

There, you will find details about their wedding and life together. Remember, even though Joseph is famous, he is still a regular guy who likes to fix things and sing songs. So, if you want to learn more about him, you can always read about Tonya and their life together on her Wikipedia page.

Before fame

Long before his fame as Tonya Harding’s husband, Joseph Jens Price was a regular guy from Yacolt, Washington. He was an intelligent kid who loved learning and fixing things. His passion for improving stuff made him become an HVAC technician, a job that involved repairing heating and cooling systems.

He also loved singing even though he wasn’t a pro. Fame wasn’t part of his life until he met and married Tonya, a famous figure skater. Even though his life is different now, Joseph always remembers being a regular guy, doing what he loved.


Joseph Jens Price is known for working as an HVAC technician. It means he fixed heating and cooling systems in people’s homes. It is a tough job, but Joseph was good at it. He also loved to sing. Even though Joseph didn’t sing songs on a big stage or make music CDs, Joseph enjoyed singing just for fun.

Even after becoming famous for marrying Tonya Harding, Joseph didn’t stop doing the work he loved. Joseph continues to work hard and enjoy his life. He shows us that we can do the things we love, no matter what happens.

Networth and achievements

Joseph Jens Price has done some pretty cool things in his life. He used to work as an HVAC technician. That’s a big word for someone who fixes heaters and air conditioners. He was good at it and made good money doing this job.

Joseph is not a millionaire but has enough money to live a happy life with his family. He also enjoys singing and has sung at many places. He may not have won a Grammy, but many people love his singing. His most significant achievement is being an excellent husband to Tonya and a great dad to their son.

Joseph Jens Price on social media

Joseph Jens Price is a very private person. He does not have any social media accounts like Facebook or Instagram. It means you won’t find him posting photos or updates on these sites. But that’s okay! Even though he’s famous, he likes to keep his life private.

He enjoys spending time with his wife, Tonya, and their son Gordon. He also likes to fix things and sing. So, if you’re looking for Joseph on social media, you won’t find him there. He’s just a regular guy who enjoys a quiet and simple life.

Future Plans

What’s next for Joseph Jens Price? Well, Joseph has some excellent plans for the future! He wants to keep fixing things, just like when he was an HVAC technician. He also wants to sing more songs because he loves music a lot. Joseph is excited about watching his son Gordon grow up.

He wants to teach him many things, like fixing and singing. He also wants to spend more fun times with his wife, Tonya. Most of all, Joseph plans to stay happy with his family. Because for him, family is the most important thing.

Legacy and impacts

Joseph Jens Price shows us that fame doesn’t change who you are. Even though he is known for being Tonya Harding’s husband, he stays true to himself. He keeps doing the things he loves, like fixing things and singing. He’s also a great dad to his son and a loving husband to Tonya.

Joseph reminds us that family and happiness are the most important things. He may not be a big star, but he has impacted people’s lives by being himself. Joseph is a role model for people who want to be happy and faithful to themselves.


  • Joseph Jens Price likes to sing songs. He enjoys singing for fun, even if he’s not on a big stage.
  • He also enjoys fixing things. Remember, he used to work as an HVAC technician. This job was all about fixing heaters and air conditioners.
  • Joseph also likes to hang out with his friends. He enjoys playing games and having fun with them.
  • Spending time with his family is significant to him. He loves doing simple things like playing games and having fun with his wife and son.
  • Another hobby Joseph has is being outdoors. He loves to go for walks and enjoy nature.

Favorite things

  •  Joseph Jens Price has many favorite things. One is fixing things like he used to do as an HVAC technician.
  •  He loves to sing songs, even if it’s just for fun at home.
  •  Spending time with his family is significant to him. He loves playing games and having fun with his wife and   son. 
  • Joseph also enjoys being outdoors. Walking in nature and breathing fresh air makes him very happy.
  •  His favorite food is homemade pizza. He enjoys making it with his son Gordon on weekends.
  •  He loves watching movies. His favorite is “The Wizard of Oz”. He watches it with his family on movie nights.

Interesting facts about Joseph Jens Price

Did you know some cool things about Joseph Jens Price? Joseph is tall. He stands 6 feet 2 inches high. That’s taller than most people! Another fun fact is that Joseph was a heating and cooling system fixer. That means he was good at fixing things. Joseph also loves singing.

Even though he’s not a famous singer, he enjoys singing just for fun. Joseph is also a great dad to his son Gordon. He loves to spend time with him and teach him new things. And guess what? His favorite movie is “The Wizard of Oz”. Isn’t that fun?


  •  Who is Joseph Jens Price?

      Joseph is a man who fixes heating and cooling systems. He loves to sing and is married to Tonya Harding, a            famous figure skater.

  •  Does Joseph have any children?

      Joseph has a son named Gordon with Tonya Harding.

  •  What is Joseph’s job?

      He used to fix heating and cooling systems.

  • Does Joseph have social media?

     Joseph has no social media accounts.

  • What is Joseph’s favorite thing to do?

     He loves fixing things, singing, and spending time with his family.


Joseph Jens Price is more than just Tonya Harding’s husband. He is a talented man who loves fixing things and singing songs. He is a loving dad to his son, Gordon, and a wonderful husband to Tonya. Joseph shows us you don’t have to be a big star to be happy. Y

ou can be satisfied by doing what you love and spending time with your family. Joseph’s story teaches us that being true to yourself is the best way to live. Even though he is famous, he enjoys a simple and quiet life. And that makes him very special.


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